The people we polled have spoken: “yes!” to polls.
The latest results from our polling indicate that people enjoy the experience of being polled.
“I don’t think anyone saw that coming,” said Chief Polling Officer Jake Zinser of Pollers Express. “We were hoping for a ‘maybe’ at best, since—as we had thought—people don’t like being polled, according to the conventional wisdom, supposedly. Boy, this one showed us, and everyone else who thought that people don’t like polls. They sure do.”
On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, an historic day in the his/herstory of polling, Pollers Express’s randomized, double-blind study of 10,000 poll participants indicated an overall favorable opinion of polling, repudiating over one century’s worth of negative attitudes toward polls. Answering a series of stimulating questions, participants provided their insights on their likes and dislikes, their interests and hobbies, the things that motivate and inspire them, and a variety of other fascinating things about who they are as individuals.
“We knew that a Wednesday would work best for this kind of poll. You know, a poll about polling,” said Senior Poll Director Ursula DeMille. “It’s midweek so people are looking for a distraction from their jobs or other day-to-day so they tend to be more open to things like polls. We reached this conclusion after taking several polls, then analyzing the results of those polls and comparing those analyses to those of past polls to ascertain the optimum day of the week to conduct a poll. Wednesday, it turns out.”
Before being polled, each participant was asked to volunteer 45 short minutes of their time for the purpose of answering 50 fun questions as part of our awesome new poll. However, Pollers Express did not indicate that the poll itself was about polling. The poll participants had no idea!
Upon being asked if they held a favorable opinion of polls or enjoyed responding to polls, a whopping 84% of poll participants responded in the affirmative. Another 12% replied “maybe,” with practically no one expressing an unfavorable opinion.
“I think this puts to rest the false narrative that people in general don’t like to be polled,” stated Kendrick Yorklevik, Founder of Pollers Express. “Clearly they do. Should any assertion to the contrary be held forth, we know we have the facts on our side. People like to be polled. Deal with it.”