WILMINGTON—Moments before Russian Federation forces invaded Ukraine on February 24, U.S. President Joe Biden made the following pleas to Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, via private telephone conference:
- Come on, man.
- You won’t get away with that on my watch. Oh, wait… is it my watch?
- You do that and I’ll cancel your pipeline. Or ours. Whichever.
- We don’t want another World War III now. Or do we? You’ll have to fill me in.
- I’m gonna get in trouble for this, even worse than when I say the stuff they don’t want me to.
- Let’s not rush into things here, okay?… Did you like that one, Vlad? Rush in?
- Why Ukraine? Why not Florida?
- This is really gonna eat into my “Joe by myself” time.
- Come on, man.
- Well, all right. When you’re through I can help you withdraw.